Friday 5 November 2010

Oma and Gundel in the kitchen at 18035 Ford Road, spring 1957. The stove burned sawdust, which was delivered by the truckload from a nearby lumber mill. The sawdust was dumped in the driveway - and then began the work of taking wheelbarrowfuls round the back of the house. Of course the sawdust then had to be moved again, by the bucketful, and loaded into the hopper beside the stove. The refrigerator (a step up from the icebox we had in Quebec, less than five years before) was still running when the first house at 17515 Ford Road burnt down in 1973.

The bathroom was beyond the wall with the cabinets, just inside the back door. Before we moved here, we'd come out on weekends to get the house ready for habitation. The tub was absolutely filthy - scrubbing it was a big job for Gundel.

Six glasses of milk on the table - for Mom, Dad, Oma, Auntie Else, Margaret and Steven.

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